喉頭機能外科 : 参考文献
: 謝辞
: 目次



  1. 教科書的なもの
  2. 発声機構
  3. 嗄声の機構
    1. 全般的なもの
    2. 声門雑音
    3. 物性
    4. 摘出喉頭など
  4. 喉頭の手術に関する解剖
  5. 手術に関連した喉頭神経に関する解剖
  6. 輪状披裂関節の運動
  7. 発声障害検査
    1. 検査法一般
    2. 喉頭原音
    3. 音響分析, ソナグラフなど
    4. ピッチ
    5. 聴覚判定
    6. 気流気圧
    7. 声帯振動
    8. 側視型喉頭鏡検査
    9. 喉頭のレ線検査 (反回神経麻痺を中心に)
  8. 声帯正中移動術 (声帯内注入を除く)
  9. 声門開大手術 (Woodman など)
  10. 声帯再運動化
  11. 反回神経麻痺に対する神経縫合
  12. 喉頭截開術など
  13. その他の手術
  14. 心因牲失声症

[1] 教科書的なもの

  1. Brodnitz, F.S. : Vocal rehabilitation. American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otclaryngology, Minnesota. 1971.
  2. Flanagan, J.L. : Analysis synthesis and perception of speech. 2nd edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 1972.
  3. 藤村靖 編著 : 音声科学, 東大出版会, 1972.
  4. 平野実 : 音声言語医学における最近の進歩. 耳鼻17 : 138-143, 1971.
  5. 平野実 : 音声外科の基礎と臨床. 耳鼻21 (補1) : 239-442, 1975.
  6. 広戸幾一郎 : 発声機横の面よりみた喉頭の病態生理. 耳鼻臨床 59 (増1) : 229-291, 1966.
  7. 一色信彦 : 音声言語研究最近の進歩, 耳鼻咽喉科最近の進歩'68. 掘口申作他 偏. 医歯薬出版, 1968.
  8. 勝木保次他 : 聴覚と音声. 電気通信学会. 1966.
  9. Lieberman. P. : intonation perception and language. Res. Monograph. 38 : 20, Massachusetts. 1967.
  10. Malmberg, B. : Manual of phonetics. North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam. 1968.
  11. Pressman, J.J. and Kelemen, G. : Physiology of the larynx. Physiologic rev. 35 : 506-553, 1955.
  12. Pressman, J.J. and Kelemen, G. (Revised by Kirchner, J.A.): Physiology of the larynx. American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, Minnesota. 1970.
  13. Sawashima, M. : Laryngeal Research in Expcrimcntal Phonedcs・ LAAS 12: 2303- 2348, 1974.
  14. Schonharl, E.: Die Stroboskopie in der praktischen Laryngologie. Georg Thieme Verlag, stuttgart, 1960.
  15. Sebeok, T.A.: Current trends in linguistics. Linguistics and Adjacent Art and Science, 12: 2303-2348, 1974.
  16. Travis, L.E.: Handbook of speech and audiology, Applefon-Century-Crofts lnc ., U.S.A. 1957.
  17. van den Berg, Jw.: Modem research in experimental phoniatrics. Folia phoniat . 14: 81-149, 1962.

[2] 発声機構

  1. Arnold, E.G.: Clinical application of recent advances in laryngeal physiology . Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 73: 426-444, 1964.
  2. Arnold, E.G.: Advances in laryngeal physiology and their clinical application . Eye, ear, nose and throat monthly, 45: 78-84, 1966.
  3. Brandt, J.F., Ruder, K.F. and Shipp, J.: Vocal loudness and effort in continuous speech. J. Acoust. soc. Amer. 46: 1543-1548, 1969.
  4. Farquharson, I.M. and Anthony, J.K.F.: Research techniques in voice pathology . J. Laryng. Otolog. 84: 809-817, 1970.
  5. Fink, B.R.: Tensor mechanism of the vocal folds. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 71: 591-600, 1962.
  6. Flanagan, J.L.: Use of an interactive laboratory computer to study an acoustic-oscillator model of the vocal cords. IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electoacoustics. Aw-17: 2-6, 1969.
  7. Flanagan, J.L., Ishizaka K. and Shipley, K.L.: Synthesis of speech from a dynamic model of the vocal cords and vocal tract. The Bell System Technical J. 54: 485-506, 1975.
  8. Flanagan, J. and lshizaka, K.: Automatic generation of voiceless excitation in a vocal cord-vocal tract speech synthesizer. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing. ASSP-24: 163-170, 1976.
  9. Floyd, W.F., Negus, V.E. and Neil, E.: Observations on the mechanism of phonation. Acta Oto-laryng. 48: 16-25, 1957.
  10. Gupta, V., Wilson, T.A. and Beavers, G.S.: A model for vocal cord excitation . J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 54: 1607-1917, 1973.
  11. Hast, M. H.: Physiological mechanisms of phonation: Tension of the vocal fold muscle. Acta. Oto-Laryng. 62: 309-318, 1966.
  12. Hirano, M., Koike, Y. and Joyner, J.: Style of phonation. An electromyograph ic investigation of some laryngeal muscles. Arch. Otolaryng. 89: 902-907, 1969.
  13. Hirano, M., Ohala, J. and Vennard, M.: The function of laryngeal muscles in regulating fundamental frequency and intensity of phonation. J. Speech Hearing Res. 12: 616-628, 1969.
  14. 平野実 : 発声中の声帯. 医学のあゆみ80: 622-627, 1972.
  15. Hirano, M.: Morphological structure of the vocal cord as a vibrator and its variations. Folia phoniat. 26: 89, 1974.
  16. 平野 実 : 音声外科の形態学的基礎- 振動体としての正常及び病的声帯の構造-, 日 本音響学会誌 31: 702-709, 1975.
  17. 平野 実 : 音声外科の基礎と臨床. 耳鼻 21: 239-442, 1975.
  18. 広戸幾一郎 : 発声機構の面よりみた喉頭の病態生理. 耳鼻臨床 59: 229-291, 1966.
  19. 石坂謙三 : 声帯の振動に関する研究. 電通大, 1972.
  20. Ishizaka, K. and Matsudaira, M.: Fluid mechanical considerations of vocal cord vibration. SCRL Monograph 8, 1972.
  21. Ishizaka, K. and Flanagan, J.L.: Synthesis of voiced sounds from a two-mass model of the vocal cords.: The Bell System Technical J. 51: 1233-1268, 1972.
  22. Ishizaka, K., Matsudaira, M. and Kaneko, T.: Input acoustic impedance measurement of the subglottal system. Bell Laboratories, 24, 1975.
  23. Isshiki, N.: Regulatory mechanism of the pitch and volume of voice. 耳鼻臨床 52: 115-145, 1959.
  24. Isshiki, N.: Regulatory mechanism of voice intensity variation. J. Speech Hearing Res. 7: 17-29, 1964.
  25. Isshiki, N.: Remarks on mechanism for vocal intensity variation. J. Speech Hearing Res. 13: 669-672, 1970.
  26. Kakita, Y. and Hiki, S.: Investigation of laryngeal control in speech by use of thyrometer. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 59: 669-674, 1976.
  27. 切替一郎 : 喉頭ストロボ活動写真撮影法による発声時における人間声帯の振動なら びに声門開閉の時間的関係に関する研究. 日耳鼻 49: 236, 1943.
  28. Koyama, T., Kawasaki, M., Ogura, J.H. and Louis, S.M.: Mechanics of voice production. Laryngoscope 79: 337-354, 1969.
  29. Malmberg, B.: Manual of phonetics. North-Holland Publishing Co. Amsterdam. 1968.
  30. Negus, V.E.: The mechanism of the larynx. Laryngoscope 67: 961-968, 1957.
  31. Perello, J.: La theorie muco-ondulatoire de la phonation. Annales d'oto-Laryngologie 79: 722-725, 1962.
  32. Portmann, G.: The physiology of phonation. J. Laryng. Otolog. 71: 1-15, 1957 .
  33. Rothenberg, M.: A new inverse-filtering technique for deriving the glottal air flow waveform during voicing. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 53: 1632-1644, 1973.
  34. Sacia, C.F.: Speech power and energy. The Bell System Technical J. 4: 627- 641, 1925.
  35. Sacia, C.F. and Beck, C.J.: The power of fundamental speech sound. The Bell System Technical J. 5: 393-403, 1926.
  36. Schonharl, E.: Die Stroboskopie in der praktischen Laryngologie. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 1960.
  37. Smith, S.: Membrane-Polster-Theorie der Stimmlippen. Arch. Ohr.-Nas.-Kehlk. -Heilk. 169: 485, 1956.
  38. Smith, S.: Chest register versus head register in the membrane cushion model of the vocal cords. Folia phoniat. 9: 32-36, 1957.
  39. Smith, S.: Quelques resultants d'etudes experimentales concernant la mecanique de vibration des cordes vocales. J. Granc. ORL 14: 347-351, 1965.
  40. Sonninen, A.A.: The role of the external 1aryngeal muscles in length-adjustment of the vocal cords in singing. Acta Otolaryng. suppl. 130: 1, 1956.
  41. Titze, I.R. and Strong, W.J.: Normal modes in vocal cord tissues. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 57: 736-744, 1975.
  42. Titze, I.R.: On the mechanics of vocal-fold vibration. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 60: 1366-1380, 1976.
  43. Tonndorf, W.: Zur Physiologic des menschlichen Stimmorgans. Ztschr. H-N-O Heilk. 22: 412, 1929.
  44. van den Berg, Jw. J., Zantema, T. and Doornenbal, P.J.R.: On the air resistance and Bernoulli effect on the human larynx. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 29: 626-631, 1957.
  45. van den Berg, J. Myoelastic-Aerodynamic theory of voice production. J. Speech Hearing Res. 1: 227-244, 1958.
  46. van den Berg, J.: Modern research in experimental phoniatrics. Folia phoniat . 14: 81-149, 1962.
  47. von Leden, H.: Laryngeal physiology. J. Laryng. 74: 705-712, 1960.
  48. von Leden, H.: The mechanism of phonation. Arch. Otolaryng. 74: 660-676, 1961.
  49. Wegel, R.L.: Theory of vibration of the larynx. The Bell System Technical J. 9: 207-227, 1930.
  50. Yanagihara, N. and von Leden, H.: The cricothyroid muscle during phonation; Elcctromyographic, aerodynamic and acoustic studies. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 75: 987-1007, 1966.

[3] 嗄声の機構

A. 全般的なもの

  1. 広戸幾一郎 他 : 学童の嗄声の経済的変化に関する統計的観察 : 耳界臨床 56: 247-252, 1963.
  2. 広戸幾-郎 : 嗄声-その音声生理学的考察-音声言語医学 8: 9, 1967.
  3. Ishizaka, K. and lsshiki, N.: Computer simulation of pathological vocal-cord vibration: J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 60: 1193-1198, 1976.
  4. Isshiki, N.: Imbalance of the vocal cords as a factor for dysphonia: Studia Phonologica Kyoto 6: 38-44, 1972.
  5. Isshiki, N. et al.: Clinical significance of asymmetrical vocal cord in tension: Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 86: 58, 1977.
  6. Isshiki, N. et al.: Approach to the objective diagnosis of hoarseness: Folia phoniat 18: 393-400, 1966.
  7. Isshiki, N. and von Leden, H.: Hoarscness: Aerodynamic studies: Arch Otolaryng. 80: 206-213, 1964.
  8. 一色信彦 : 嗄声の診断とその治療 : 臨床と研究 49: 141-146, 1972.
  9. 一色信彦, 田辺正博 : 嗄声の発声機構とその問題点 : 耳鼻臨床 68: 751-756, 1975.
  10. 一色信彦 : 発声障害 (嗄声) : 診断と治療 62: 783-785, 1974.
  11. 一色信彦 : 嗄声の病態とその原因 : 薬局 23: 93-97, 1972.
  12. Moore, P.: Otolaryngology and speech pathology. Laryngoscope 78: 1500, 1968.
  13. Moore, P. and Thompson, C.L.,: Comments on physiology of hoarseness. Arch. Otolaryng. 81:97, 1965.
  14. Moore, P.: Observation on laryngeal disease, laryngeal behavior and voice. Ann. Otol. Rbinol. 85: 553-564, 1976.
  15. Sonninen, A.: Phnoniatric viewpoints on hoarseness. Acta Otolaryng 263: 68-81, 1970
  16. 田辺正博 :声帯緊張不均衡の音声, 声帯振動に及ぼす影響, 耳鼻臨床 69: 67-88, 1976.
  17. Tanabe, M., Isshiki, N. and Kitajima, K.: Vibratory pattern of the vocal cord in unilateral paralysis of the cricothyroid muscle. Acta Otolaryng. (stockh) 74: 339-345, 1972.
  18. Yanagihara, N.: Hoarseness: investigation of the physiological mechanisms: Ann Otol. Rhinol. Layngol 76: 472, 1967.
  19. 柳原尚明 : 嗄声の発生機構に関する研究, 耳鼻臨床 60: 653-662, 1967.

B. 声門雑音

  1. Daugherty, R.L. and lngersoll, A.C.: Fluid mechanics. McGraw-Hill 1954.
  2. Fant, G.: Acoustic theory of speech production. Mouton Co., 's-Gravenhage (1960).
  3. Flanagan, J. and lshizaka, K.: Automatic generation of voiceless excitation in a vocal cord-vocal tract speech synthesizer. IEEE Transactions of acoustics, speech and signal processing. 24: 163-170, 1976.
  4. Flanagan, J.L., Ishizaka, K., and Shipley, K. L. Synthesis of speech from a dynamic model of the vocal cords and vocal tract. Bell System Techical. J. 54: 485-505, 1975.
  5. Heinz, J.M. and Stevens, K.N.: On the properties of voiceless fricative consonants. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 33: 589-596, 1961.
  6. Meyer-Eppler, W.: Zum Erzeugungsmechanismus der Gerauschlaute, Z. phonetik 7 : 196-212, 1953.

C. 物性

  1. 石坂謙三, 金子敏郎 : 声帯の等価機械定数について, 日本音響会音声研究会資料, 1968.
  2. 金子敏郎, 浅野 尚, 三浦徹蔵, 石坂謙三 : 声帯の Biomechanics-Stiffness を中心として耳鼻臨床 64: 1229-1235, 1971.
  3. 雪子敏郎, 浅野 尚, 内藤準哉, 小林伸行, 林崎勝武, 北付 武 : 声帯の Biomechanics-damping ratio を中心として, 気食会報 25: 133-138, 1974.
  4. 金子敏郎, 内田邦明, 内藤準哉, 林崎勝武, 吉岡俊章, 鈴木晴彦 : ヒト生体における 声帯物性-超音波パルス法を用いた声帯の共振性測定法-耳鼻臨床 69: 2167-2173, 1976 .

D. 摘出喉頭など

  1. Baer, T.: Investigation of phonation using excised larynxes: ph. D. Dissertation M.I.T. Feb. 1975.
  2. 古川 満 : 摘出喉頭による発声様構に関する研究, 耳鼻臨床 60: 145-181, 1967.
  3. 堀口信夫 : 模型声帯による声帯の振動様式と原音に関する研究, 日耳鼻 62: 1268, 1959.
  4. Matsushita, H.: The vibratory mode of the vocal folds in the excised larynx. Folia phoniat. 27: 7-18, 1975.
  5. 松下英明 : 高速度映画による摘出喉頭における声帯振動に関する実験的研究, 耳鼻 15: 127-142, 1969.
  6. Rubin, H.: Experimental studies on vocal pitch and intensity in phonation. Laryngoscope 73: 973, 1963.
  7. van den Berg, J. and Tan, T.S.: Results of experiments with human larynges. pract. oto-rhino-laryng. 21: 425, 1959.

[4] 喉頭の手術に関する解剖

  1. Casserius, J.: The larynx, Organ of voice. Acta Otolaryng. Suppl. 261: 1-36, 1969.
  2. Gurr, E.: Untersuchungen zur Feststellung der Lage des Stimmbandes am uneroffneten Xehlkopf. Z. Laryng. Rhinol. 27: 71, 1948.
  3. 平木道昭 : 喉頭機能外科の解剖学的基礎に関する研究, 耳鼻臨床 70: 177-197, 1977.
  4. 広戸幾一郎 : 喉頭の機能外科, 臨床と研究, 別冊42巻: 88-93, 1965.
  5. 広戸幾一郎, 豊住頼一 : 喉頭部分切除術に必要な喉頭の局所解剖, 耳鼻 14: 1-5, 1968.
  6. 小池祐一, 平野 実, 森尾倫弘, 粕谷尚男 : 内喉頭筋の機能-声門および声帯形態の変化に関して-. 日耳鼻 78: 1249-1258, 1975.
  7. Konig, W.F. and von Leden, H.: A three-dimensional reconstruction of a hemilarynx. Arch. Otolaryng. 77: 137-138, 1963.
  8. Malinowski, A.: The shape, dimensions and process of calcification of the cartilaginous framework of the larynx in relation to age and sex in the Polish population. Folia Morphol. 26: 121-132, 1967.
  9. Maue, W.M. and Dickson, D.R.: Cartilages and ligaments of the adult human larynx. Arch. Otolaryng. 94: 432-139, 1971.
  10. Mayet, A. and Mundnich, K.: Beitrag zur Anatomie und zur Funktion des M. cricothyreoideus und der Cricothyreoidgelenke. Acta Anat. 33: 273-288. 1958.
  11. Minnigerode, B.: Messungen uber die Lage einiger auf den Schildknorpel prozierter Teilc des Xehlkopfinneren. HNO 5: 51-56, 1955.
  12. Minnigerode, B.: Einseitige Formvarianten der seitlichen Kehlkopfwand, ihre anatomishyen Grundlagen und ihre klinische Bedeutung. Archiv. Ohr.-Nas.-Kehlk.-Heilk. 184: 337-346, 1965.
  13. 森尾倫弘 : 内喉頭筋の機能, 特に声門部の形態的変化に関する実験的研究, 耳鼻 22 : 143-179, 1976.
  14. 村上泰 : 喉頭の臨床解剖と生理.日耳鼻 76: 911-914, 1973.
  15. Schon, M.A.: The anatomy of the resonating mechanism in howling monkeys. Folia primat. 15: 117-132, 1971.
  16. Sonesson, B.: On the anatomy and vibratory pattern of the human vocal folds, with special reference to a photo-electrical method for studving the vibration movements. Acta Otolaryng. Suppl. 156: 1-80, 1960.

[5] 手術に関連した喉頭神経に関する解剖

  1. 広瀬 肇 : 喉頭の末梢神経支配について-その文献的展望-. 耳展 4: 236-248, 1961.
  2. 広戸幾一郎, 平野 実, 豊住頼一, 高瀬文武, 高瀬晴朗, 矢武良規 : 喉頭神経損傷に 関する手術解剖学的研究-甲状腺と反回神経との関係について-. 日耳鼻 68: 657-665, 1965.
  3. 広戸幾一郎, 平野 実, 豊住類一, 高瀬文武, 高瀬晴朗, 矢武良規 : 上喉頭神経に関 する手術解剖学的研究. 日耳鼻 68: 1605-1608, 1965.
  4. Howell, H. and Huber, G.C.: Physiology of the communicating branch between the superior and the inferior laryngeal nerves. J. Physiol. 12: 5-11, 1891.
  5. Kratz, R.C.: The identification and protection of the laryngeal motor nerves during thyroid and laryngeal surgery. A new microsurgical technique. Laryngoscope 83: 59-78, 1973.
  6. Lemere, F.: Innervation of the larynx. lII. Experimental paralysis of the laryngeal nerve. Arch. Otolaryng. 18: 413-124, 1933.
  7. Moran, R.E. and Castro, A.F.: The superior laryngeal nerve in thyroid surgery . Ann. Surg. 134: 1018-1021, 1951.
  8. Pichler, H. and Gisel, A.: The clinical significance of the ramification of the recurrent laryngeal nerves. Laryngoscope 67: 105-117, 1957.
  9. Rustad, W.H. and Morrison, L.F.: Revised anatomy of the recurrent laryngeal nerves. Surgical importance based on the dissection of 100 cadavers. A preliminary report. Laryngoscope 62: 237-249, 1952.
  10. 佐々木義広 : 人間喉頭における神経分布の顕微鏡的観察. 東北医学雑誌 32: 569-594, 1943.
  11. 菅野正雄 : 喉頭神経について. 第一回報告=喉頭神経支配の実験的研究. 日耳鼻 35: 1338-1361, 1929.
  12. Williams, A.F.: The recurrent laryngeal nerve and the thyroid gland. J. Laryng. Otolog. 68: 719-725, 1954.
  13. Williams, R.G.: Anatomy of the neck and larynx in otolaryngology. W.F. Prior Co., Inc., 1955.
  14. 矢武良規 : 哺乳動物の喉頭神経に関する比較解剖学的研究. 耳鼻 11 (補2) : 49, 1965.

[6] 輪状被裂関節の運動

  1. Ardran, G.M. and Kemp, F.H.: The mechanism of the larynx. Part I: The movements of the arytenoid and cricoid cartilages. Br. J. Radiol. 39: 641-654, 1966.
  2. Braod, D.J.: Kinematic considerations for evaluating laryngeal cartilage motions. Folia phoniat. 20: 269-284, 1968.
  3. Frable, M.A.: Computation of motion at the cricoarytenoid joint. Arch. Otolaryng. 73: 73-78, 1961.
  4. Hast, M.H. and Folbus, S.: Physiology of the lateral cricoarytenoid muscle. Pract. ORL. (Basel) 33: 209-214, 1971.
  5. 北島清冶 : 喉頭軟骨の微細構造と喉頭筋-特に輪状軟骨及び披裂軟骨の力学的考察-. 日耳鼻 75: 1263-1273, 1972.
  6. Snell, C.: On the function of the cricoarytenoid joints in the movements of the vocal cords. Proc. Kon. Nederl. Acad. Wet. 50: 1370-1381, 1947.
  7. Sonesson, B.: Die funktionelle Anatomie des Cricoarytaenoidgelenkes. Z. fur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte 121 : 292-303, 1959.
  8. van den Berg, J.: Sound production in isolated human larynges. Ann. NY. Acad. Sci. 155: 18-26, 1968.
  9. von Leden, H. and Moore, P.: The mechanics of the cricoarytenoid joint. Arch. Otolaryng. 73: 541-550, 1961.
  10. 高瀬晴朗 : 哺乳動物内喉頭筋及び喉頭関節の比較解剖生理学的研究. 耳鼻 10 (補1) : 18-49, 1964.

[7] 発声障害検査

A. 検査法一般

  1. Fritzell, B.: Phoniatric diagnosis. Acta Otolaryng. Suppl. 263: 48-51, 1970.
  2. 平野 実, 的場晴美, 藤木千鶴子 : 音声検査法および検査成績の表示法, 耳鼻臨床 58 : 56-59, 1965.
  3. Hirano, M.: Clinical examination for voice disorders in recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. 16th lnt. Congr. Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Interlaken 1974, (Karger, Basal): 159-167, 1976.
  4. 広戸幾一郎 : 嗄声, 耳喉 46: 695-701, 1974.
  5. 掘口信夫 : 発声障害に対する臨床検査の検討, 声域の検査. 音声言語医学 7: 11, 1966.
  6. Isshiki, N., Yanagihara, N. and Morimoto, M.: Approach to the objective diagnosis of hoarseness. Folia phoniat. 18: 393-400, 1966.
  7. 岩出重信, 江崎俊夫, 岩見公晴, 高須照男 : Laryngomicrosurgery 後の発声機能に関 する研究. 耳鼻臨床 69: 499-506, 1976.
  8. 小宮山荘太郎 : 音声の新しい評価法-Phonogram による検査法. 耳鼻 18: 428-440, 1972.
  9. Lisker, L., Abramson, A.S., Cooper, F.S. and Schvey, M.H.: Transillumination of the larynx in running speech. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 45: 1544-1546, 1969.
  10. 沢島政行 : 耳鼻咽喉科外来に於ける音声言語障害の診断法. 耳喉 37: 1051-1060, 1965.
  11. 沢島政行 : 発声障害に対する臨床検査の検討, 発声持続時間の測定, 音声言語医学 7: 23, 1966.
  12. Yanagihara, N. and Koike, Y.: The regulation of sustained phonation. Folia phoniat. 19: 1, 1966.

B. 喉頭原音

  1. Beckmann, G.: Elektroakustische Untersuchungen uber den primaren Kehlkopfton: Arch. Ohrheilk. 169: 196, 1956.
  2. Coleman, R.F.: Effect of waveform changes upon roughness perception. Folia phoniat. 23: 314-322, 1971.
  3. Flanagan, J.L.: Some properties of the glottal sound source, J. Speech Hear. Res. 1.: 99, 1958.
  4. Flanagan, J. L. and Landgraf, L.L.: Self oscillating source for vocal tract synthesizers: IEEE Trans. Audio Electroacoust. 16: 57, 1968.
  5. Hixon, T.J., Klatt, D.H. and Mead. J.: Influence of forced transglottal pressure changes on vocal fundamental frequency: J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 49: 105, 1971.
  6. Holmes, J.N.: An investigation of the volume velocity waveform at the larynx during speech by means of an inverse filter: Proc. Speech Communication Seminar, Stockholm, 1962, Vol. 1, paper B-4 (Royal Institute of Technology. Stockholm, 1963).
  7. Koike, Y. and Hirano, M.: The glottal area time function and subglottal pressure variation. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 54: 1618, 1973.
  8. Ladefoged, P. and McKinney, N.P.: Loudness sound pressure and subglottal pressure in speech. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 35: 454, 1963.
  9. Lindqvist, J.: Studies of the voice source by means of inverse filtering technique. Congr. Rcp. 5th lnt. Congr. Acoust., Liege, 1965, Vol. 1, paper A35.
  10. Mathews, M.V., Miller, J.E. and David, Jr., E.E.: An accurate estimate of the glottal waveshape. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 33: 843, 1961.
  11. Miller, R.L.: Nature of the vocal cord wave. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 31: 667, 1959.
  12. Miller, J.E. and Mathews, M.V.: Investigation of the glottal waveshape by automatic inverse filtering. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 35: 1876, 1963.
  13. Minifie, F.D. et al.: The nature of the glottal tone: A clinical case report : J. Speech Hearing Res. 15: 142-147, 1972.
  14. Murry, T. and Brown, Jr., W.S.: Subglottal air pressure during two types of vocal activity: Vocal fry and model phonation. Folia phoniat. 23: 440, 1971.
  15. Rosenberg, A.E.: Effect of glottal pulse shape on the quality of nature vowels. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 49: 583-590, 1971.
  16. Rothenberg, M.: The Glottal volume velocity waveform during loose and tight glottal adjustments: Proceedings VII lnternational Congress on Phonetic Sciences, Montreal, August 22-28, 1971 (Mouton, The Hague, in press).
  17. Rothenberg, M.: A new inverse-filtering technique for deriving the glottal air flow waveform during voicing. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 53: 1632-1644, 1973.
  18. Sondhi, M.M.: Measurement of the glottal waveform. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 57: 228-232, 1975.
  19. 高杉敏男 : 声帯音源の特徴を導入した "合成による分析" 法と音源のパラメーター抽出 : 電波研究所季報 17: 311-317, 1971.

C. 音響分析, ソナグラフなど

  1. Ruth, N.H.: Some remarks on acoustic parameters in speech disorders. Annual Report of the lnstitute of Phonetics Univ. of Copenhagen. 6: 245, 1972.
  2. Coleman, R.F.: Decay characteristics of vocal fry. Folia phoniat. 15: 256-263 , 1963.
  3. Coleman, R.F.: Effect of waveform changes upon roughness perception. Folia phoniat. 23: 314, 1971.
  4. Emanuel, F.W. and Sansone, F.E.: Some spectral features of "normal" and stimulated "rough" vowels. Folia phoniat. 21: 401-415, 1969.
  5. Flanagan, J.L.: Some properties nf the glottal sound source. J. Speech Hearing Res. 1: 99, 1958.
  6. Flanagan, J. L.: Speech analysis synthesis and perception. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heiderberg, New York 1972.
  7. Fritzell, B. et al.: Evaluation of teflon injection therapy for paralytic dysphonia. STL-QPSR. l1: 18, 1974.
  8. Fujimura, 0. and Lindquist. J.: The sinewave respose of the vocal tract. STL-QPSR. 1: 5, 1964.
  9. Gerull, G., Giesen, M., Mrowinski, D., and Rudolph, N.: Einsatz der Frequenzanalyse zur objektiven Untersuchung von Stimmstorungen. Z. Laryng. Rhinol. 51: 815-820, 1972.
  10. Hiki, S.: Correlation betwecn increments of voice pitch and glottal sound intensity. J. Acoust. Soc. Jap. 23: 20, 1967.
  11. 比企静雄 : 音声言語障害の音響的観測とその応用. 日本音響学会誌 31: 31: 136, 1975.
  12. Hiki, S., Matsuoka, K., Kakita, Y., Imaizumi, S., Hirano, M. and Matsushita, H.: A study on acoustical analysis of hoarseness. 日本音響学会誌 31: 504-506 , 1975.
  13. 平野 実, 松下英明, 比企静雄, 垣田有紀 : 音声障害の音響分析的研究-音響分析の診断への利用に関する研究の基本的考え方-耳鼻臨床 69: 267-271, 1976.
  14. Iwata, S. and von Leden, H.: Pitch perturbations in normal and pathologic voices. Folia phoniat. 22: 413, 1970.
  15. Iwata, S. and von Leden, H.: Voice prints in laryngeal disease. Arch. Otolaryng. 91: 346-352, 1970.
  16. Iwata, S.: Periodicities of pitch perturbations in normal and pathological larynges. Laryngoscope 82: 87, 1972.
  17. 切替一郎 他 : 音声の動揺に関する実験的研究. 日耳鼻 68: 364, 1965.
  18. 桐谷 滋 : 音声研究における電子計算機の使用. 医学のあゆみ 65: 749, 1968.
  19. Koike, Y.: Vowel amplitude modulations in patients with laryngeal diseases. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 45: 839-844, 1969.
  20. Koike, Y.: Application of some acoustic measures for the evaluation of laryngeal dysfunction. Studia Phonologica, Kyoto 7: 17, 1973.
  21. Lieberman, P.: Some acoustic measures of the fundamental periodicity of normal and pathological larynges. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 35: 344, 1963.
  22. Lively, M.A. and Emanuel, F.W.: Spectral noise levels and roughness severity ratings for normal and simulated rough vowels produced by adult females. J. Speech Hearing Res. 13: 503-517, 1970.
  23. Mathews, M.V., Miller, J.E. and David, Jr. E.E.: Pitch synchronous analysis of voiced sounds. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 33: 179-186, 1961.
  24. 松本 弘, 松岡 浄 : 正準分析による Text を限定しない語者認識に関する検討. 日本音響学会音声研究委員会資料 S73-17, 1973.
  25. 中津井護, 三橋 隆 : 嗄声の音源特性の観測. 日本音響学会講演論文集 23. 1973.
  26. Nessel, E.: Uber des Tonfrequenzspektrum der pathologisch veranderten Stimme . Acta Otollaryng. 157: 1, 1960.
  27. 小野 博 他 : オンライン処理による声帯振動観測システムとその臨床的応用. 日本 ME 学会予稿集 271, 1973.
  28. 小沢慎治 他 : 音声疾患の診断におけるミニコンの応用, 情報処理 15: 304, 1974.
  29. Rontal, E., Rontal, M. and Rolnick, M.I.: Objective evaluation of vocal pathology using voice spectrography. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 84: 662-672, 1975.
  30. Rontal, E., Rontal, M. and Rolnick, M.I.: The use ofspectrograms in the evaluation of vocal cord injection. Laryngoscope 85 : 47-56, 1975.
  31. Smith, W.A. and Lieberman, P.: Computer diagnosis of laryngeal lesion. Biomedical Research 2: 291, 1969.
  32. 高橋宏明 他 : 音声聴取による喉頭疾患の鑑別について. 耳鼻臨床 67: 1377, 1974.
  33. 高杉敏男 他 : 音声波形からの声帯音源波形の観測. 日本音響学会誌 26: 141, 1970.
  34. von Leden, H. and Koike, Y.: Detection of laryngcal disease by computer technique. Arch. Otolaryng. 91: 3, 1970.
  35. Wendahl, R.W.: Laryngeal analog synthesis of harsh voice quality. Folia phoniat. 15: 241, 1963.
  36. Wendahl, R.W.: Laryngeal analog synthesis of jitter and shimmer. Auditory parameters of harshness. Folia phoniat. 18: 98, 1966.
  37. 柳原尚明 : 嗄声の音声科学的研究. 耳鼻臨床 55: 357-398, 1962.
  38. Yanagihara, N.: Significance of harmonic changes and noise components in hoarseness. J. Speech Hearing Res. 10: 531-541, 1967.

D. ピッチ

  1. Beckett, R.L.: Pitch perturbation as a function of subjective vocal constriction. Folia phoniat. 21: 416-425, 1969.
  2. Bowler, N.W.: A fundamental frequency analysis of harsh vocal quality. Speech Monogr. 31: 128-134, 1964.
  3. Burger, D. and van den Berg, J.W.: Experimental huskiness (hoarseness). Pract . ORL, 24: 192, 1962.
  4. Coleman, R.F.: Decay characteristics of vocal fry. Folia phoniat. 15: 256-263 , 1963.
  5. Cooper, M.: Spectrographic analysis of fundamental frequency and hoarseness before and after vocal rehabilitation. J. Speech Hearing Dis. 39: 286-297, 1974.
  6. Dubnowski, I.J. and Schafter, R.W.: Digital hardware for pitch detection (A). J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 56: 516, 1974.
  7. Flanagan, J.I. and Saslow, M.G.: Pitch discrimination for synthetic vowels. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 30: 435-442. 1958.
  8. Gold, B.: Computer program for pitch extraction. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 34: 916-921, 1962.
  9. Gold, B. and Rabiner, L.: Parallel processing techniques for estimating pitch periods of speech in the time domain. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 46: 442-448. 1969 .
  10. Harris, C.M. and Weiss, M.R.: Pitch extraction by computer processing of high-resolution Fourier analysis data. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 35: 339-343, 1963.
  11. Hecker, M.H.L. and Kreul, E.J.: Descriptions of the speech of patients with cancer of the vocal folds. Part I: Measurements of fundamental frequency. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 49: 1275-1282, 1971.
  12. Kreul, J. and Hecker, M.H.L.: Descriptions of the speech of patients with cancer of the vocal folds. Part II: Judgments of age and voice quality. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 49: 1283-1287, 1971.
  13. Smith, S.: On pitch variation. Folia phoniat. ll: 173-177, 1959.
  14. Hiki, S., Sugawara, K. and Oizumi, J.: On the rapid fluctuation of voice pitch. J. Acoust. Soc. Jap. 22: 290-291, 1966.
  15. Hollien, H., Moore, P., Wendahl. R. and Michel, J.: On the nature of vocal fry. J. Speech Hearing Res. 9: 245-247, 1966.
  16. Iwata, S. and von Leden, H.: Acoustic studies and computer techniques in the diagnosis of laryngeal disordcrs. Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (Proceeding of the Ninth lnternational Congress,). 286-290, 1969.
  17. Iwata, S. and von Leden H.: Pitch pertunbations in normal and pathologh voices. Folia phoniat. 22: 413-124, 1970.
  18. Iwata. S.: Periodicities of pitch perturbations in normal and pathologic larynges. Laryngoscope 82: 87-96, 1972.
  19. 北嶋和智 : 正常ならびに病的音声における基本周波数瞬時変動の電子計算機による解析. 耳鼻臨床 66: 1195-1213, 1973.
  20. Kitajima, K., Tanabe, M. and Isshiki, N.: Pitch perturbation in normal and pathologic voice. Studia Phonologica Kyoto 9: 25-32, 1975.
  21. Koike, Y. and Markel, J.: Application of inverse filtering for detecting laryngeal pathology. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol, 84: 117-124, 1975.
  22. Laguaite, J. and Waldrop. W.F.: Acoustic analysis of fundamental frequency of voice before and after therapy. N.Z. Speech Tberapist J., 18: 23-25, 1963.
  23. Levitt, H. and Rabiner, L.R.: Analysis of fundamental frequency contours in speech. J. Acous. Soc. Amer. 49: 569-582, 1971.
  24. Lieberman, P.: Perturbations in vocal pitch. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 33: 597-603, 1961.
  25. Lieberman, P. and Michaels, S.B.: Some aspects of fundamental frequency and envelope amplitude as related to the emotional confent of speech. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 34: 922-927, 1962.
  26. Lieberman, P.: Some acoustic measures of the fundamental periodicity of normal and pathologic larynges. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 35: 344-353, 1962.
  27. Lieberman, P.: Pitch perturbations of normal and pathologic larynges. Fourth International Congress on Acoustics, 1-4, 1962.
  28. Markel, J D.: The SIFT algorithm for fundamental frequency estimation. IEEE Transactions on Audio and EIectroacoutics 20: 367-377, 1972.
  29. Michel, J.F.: Fundamental frequcncy investigation of voral fry and harshness. J. Speech Hearing Res. 11: 590-594, 1968.
  30. Miller, N.J.: Pitch detection by data reduction. IEEE Symposium on Speech Recognition. 122-130, 1974.
  31. Noll, A.M.: Short-time spectrum and "cepstrum techniques", for vocal-pitch detection. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 36: 296-302, 1962.
  32. Noll, A.M.: Cepstrum Pitch determination. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 41: 293-309, 1967.
  33. Porter, H.C.: Extraction of pitch from the trachea., AFCRL, Communication Sciences Laboratory, L.G. Hanscom Field Mass. Research Note (AFCRL-63-24), Feb. 1963.
  34. Schafer, R.W. and Rabiner, L.R.: System for automatic analysis of voiced speech. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 47: 634-648, 1970.
  35. Schroeder, M.R.: Period histogram and product spectrum: New methods for fundamental-frequency measurement. J. Acoust. Sot. Amer. 43: 829-834, 1968.
  36. 杉本利考, 比企静堆 : 気管外壁の振動による音声の基本周波数の抽出, 音声の分析合成委員会資料, 1-12, 1960.
  37. Smith, W.R. and Lieberman, P.: Studies in pathologicall speech produrtion, Contract No. AF 19(628); 1964.
  38. Sondhi, M.M.: New methods of pitch extraction. IEEE Transaction on Audio and Eleeroacoustics 16: 262-266. 1968.
  39. von Leden, H. and Koike, Y.: Detection of laryngeal disease by computer technique. Arch Otolaryng. 91: 3-10, 1970.
  40. Weiss, M.R., Vogel, R.P. and Harris, C.M.: Implementation of a pitch extractor of the double-spectrum-analysis type. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 40: 657-662, 1966.
  41. Wendahl, R.W.: Laryngeal analog synthesis of harsh voice quality. Folia phoniat. 15: 241-250, 1963.
  42. Wendahl, R.W., Moore, G.P. and Hollien H.: Comments on vocal fry. Folia phoniat. 15: 251-255, 1963.
  43. Wendahl, R.W.: Laryngeal analog synthesis of jitter and shimmer. Auditory parameters of harshness. Folia phoniat. 18: 98-108, 1966.

E. 聴覚判定

  1. 広戸幾一郎 : 嗄声-その音声生理学的考察-音声言語医学 8: 9-15, 1967.
  2. Holmgren, G.L.: Physical and psychological correlates of speaker recognition. J. Speech Hearing Res. 10: 57-66, 1967.
  3. 法水正文 : 嗄声の臨床的分類の基礎と複命名法の提案について. 耳喉 40: 425-430, 1968.
  4. 一色信彦 : 嗄声の分類記載法. 音声言語医学 7: 15-21, 1966.
  5. Isshiki, N., Okamura, H., Tanabe, M. and Morimoto, M.: Differential diagnosis of hoarseness. Folia phoniat. 21: 9-19, 1969.
  6. Isshiki, N. and Takeuchi, Y.: Factor analysis of hoarseness. Studia Phonologica Kyoto 5: 37-44, 1970.
  7. Kaiser, H.F.: The varimax criterion for analytic rotation in factor analysis. Psychometrica 23: 187-200. 1958.
  8. Lawley. D.N. and Maxwell, A.E∴ Factor analysis as a statistical method. Butterworth. London. 1963.
  9. 丘村 煕, 一色信彦, 田辺正博 : 嗄声の分類記載法と喉頭疾患. 耳昇臨床 61: 1098-1102, 1968.
  10. Osgood, C.E., Suci, G.J. and Tannenbaum, P.H.H.: The measurement of meaning. University or Illinois Press. Urbana, III. 1957.
  11. Silbiger, H.R.: Voice classification by hierarchical clustering. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 40: 1282 (A) 1966.
  12. Shipp, T.: Some acoustic and perceptual factors in acute-laryngitis hoarseness. J. Speech Hearing Dis. 30: 350-359, 1965.
  13. 高橋宏明 他 : 音声聴取による喉頭疾患の鑑別について. 耳鼻臨床 67: 1377, 1974.14) Takahashi, H. and Koike, Y.: Perceptual dimensions and acoustical correlates of pathologic voices. Acta Otolaryng. Suppl. 338: 1-24, 1976.
  14. Wendahl, R.W.: Some parameters of auditory roughness. Folia phoniat. 18: 26-32, 1966.
  15. Wendahl, A.W.: Laryngeal analog synthesis of jitter and shimmer. Auditory parameters of harshness. Folia phoniat. 18: 98-108, 1966.

F. 気流気圧

  1. Beckett, R.L.: The respirometer as a diagnostic and clinical tool in the speech clinic. J. Speech Hearing Dis. 36: 235-240, 1971.
  2. Campbell, C.J., Murtagh, J.A. and Raber, C.F.: Laryngeal Resistance to air flow. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 72: 5-30, 1963.
  3. Draper, M. H., Labefoged, P. and Whitteridge, D.: Expiratory pressure and air flow during speech. Brit. Med. J. 1: 1837-1843, 1960.
  4. Faaborg-Andersen, K., Yanagihara, N. and von Leden, H.: Vocal pitch and intensity regulation. Arch. Otolaryng. 85: 448-454. 1967.
  5. Ferris, B.G., Mead, J. and Opie, L.H.: Partitioning of respiratory flow resistance in man. J. Appl. Physiol. 10: 653-658, 1964.
  6. Gutzmann, H. und Loewy, A.: Uber den intrapulmonalen Druck und den Luftverbrauch bei der normalen Atmung, bei phonetischen Vorgangen und bei der expiratorischen Dyspnoe. pflugers Arch. 180: 111, 1920.
  7. Hardy, J.C. and Edmonds, T.D.: Flectronic integrator for measurement of patitions of the lung volume. J. Speech Hearing Res. 11: 777-786. 1968.
  8. Harvey, J.H., Ueda, N., Ohyama, M., Mogi, G. and Ogura, J.H.: Subglottic pressure and induced live voices of dogs with normal, reinnervated, and paralyzed larynges. III. Comparison of voice function between dogs with reinnervated and paralyzed larynges in relation to transplantation of the larynx. Laryngoscope 82: 651-664, 1972.
  9. Hirano, N., Koike, Y. and von Leden, H.: Maximum phonation time and air usage during phonation. Folia phoniat. 20: 185-201, 1968.
  10. Hyatt, R.E. and Wilcox, R.E.: Extrathoratic airway resistance in man. J. Appl. Physiol. 16: 326-330, 1961.
  11. Isshiki, N.: Regulatory mechanism of the pitch and volume of voice. Oto-rhino-laryng. Clinic Kyoto 52: 1065-1094, 1959.
  12. Isshiki, N. and von Leden, H.: Hoarseness: Aerodynamic Studies. Arch. Otolaryng. 80: 206-213, 1964.
  13. Isshiki, N.: Regulatory mechanism of voice intensity variation. J. Speech Hearing Res. 7: 17-29, 1964.
  14. Isshiki, N.: Vocal intensity and air flow rate. Folia phoniat. 17: 92-104, 1965.
  15. 一色信彦 : 発声と呼気流. 音声言語医学 6: 19-22, 1965.
  16. 一色信彦 : 第10回日本音声言語医学会シンポジウム, 発声障害に対する臨床検査法の検討. 音声言語医学 7: 15-21, 1966.
  17. Isshiki, N. Okamura, H. and Morimoto, M.: Maximum phonation time and air flow rate during phonation: Simple clinical tests for vocal function. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 76: 998-1008, 1967.
  18. Isshiki, N.: Remarks on mechanism for vocal intensity variation. J. Speech Hearing Res.12: 669-672, 1969.
  19. Iwata, S. and von Leden, H.: Phonation quotient in patients with laryngcal diseases. Folia phoniat. 22: 117-128, 1970.
  20. Iwata, S. and von Leden, H.: Clinical evaluation of vocal velocity index in laryngeal disease. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 79: 259-269, 1970.
  21. Iwata, S., von Leden, H. and Williams, D.: Air flow measurement during phonation. J. Communication Disorders 5; 67-79, 1972.
  22. 岩田重信, 江崎俊夫, 岩見公晴, 三村孝弘 : 喉頭疾患における発声時呼気流速に関する研究. 名古屋市大医学会雑誌 26: 398-406, 1976.
  23. 北嶋知智, 一色信彦 : 発声障害検査法; スパイロメーターによる発声時呼気流率の測定. 耳鼻臨床 66: 539-547, 1973.
  24. Knowles, J.H., Hong, S.K. and Rahn, H.: Possible errors using esophageal balloon in determination of pressure-volume characteristics of the lung and thoracic cage. J. Appl. Phisiol. 14: 525-530, 1959.
  25. Koike, Y.: Experimental studies on vocal attack. 耳井臨床 60: 81-106, 1967.
  26. Koike, Y., Hirano, M. and von Leden, H.: Vocal initiation; Acoustic and aerodynamic investigation on normal subjects. Folia phoniat. 19: 173-182, 1967.
  27. Koike, Y. and Hirano, M.: Significance of vocal velocity index. Folia phoniat. 20: 285-296, 1968.
  28. Koike, Y. and Perkins, W.H.: Application of miniaturized pressure transducer for experimental speech rescarch. Folia phoniat. 20: 360-368, 1968.
  29. Koike, Y. and von Leden, H.: Pathologic vocal initiation. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 78: 138-148, 1969.
  30. Kunze, L.E.: Evaluation of methods of estimating subglottal air pressure. J. Speech Hearing Res. 7: 151-164, 1964.
  31. Ladefoged, P.: The regulation of subglottal pressure. Folia phoniat. 12: 169-175, 1960.
  32. Ladefoged, P. and McKinney, N.P.: Loudness, sound pressure and subglottal pressure in speech. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 35: 454-460, 1963.
  33. Ladefoged, P.: Comment on evaluation of methods of estimating subglottal air pressure. J. Speech Hearing Res. 7: 291-292, 1964.
  34. Large, J. and lwata, S.: Aerodynamic study of vibrato and voluntary 'Straight tone' pairs in singing. Folia phoniat. 23: 50-65, 1971.
  35. Lieberman, P.: Direct comparison of subglottal and esophageal pressure during speech. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 43: 1157-1164, 1968.
  36. Luchsinger, R.: Schalldruck und Geschwindigkeitsregistrierung der Stimmluft beim Singen. Folia phoniat. 3: 25-51, 1951.
  37. McGlone, R.E.: An investigation of air flow and subglottal air pressure related to fundamental frequency of phonation. Folia phoniat. 18: 312-322, 1966.
  38. McGlone, R.E.: Air flow during vocal fry phonation. J. Speech Hearing Res. 10: 299-304, 1967.
  39. McGlone, R.E.: Intraesophageal air pressure during syllable repetition. J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 42: 1208A, 1967.
  40. 毛利昌史 : 熱線式スパイロメーター. 臨床検査 20: 46-49, 1976.
  41. Murry, T.: Subglottal pressure and airflow measures during vocal fry phonation. J. Speech Hearing Res. 14: 544-551, 1971.
  42. Murry, T. and Brown, W.S.Jr.: Subglottal air pressure during two types of vocal activity: Vocal fry and modal phonation. Folia phoniat. 23: 440-449, 1971.
  43. Murtagh, J.A. and Campbell, C.J.: The respiratory function of the larynx: II. The elementary physiology of the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 57: 465-472, 1948.
  44. 西田之昭, 周防屋洋 : 発声時間声門下圧測定法-食道内圧測定法と気流阻止法. 耳鼻 10: 264-270, 1964.
  45. Nishida, Y.: Aerodynamic studics on voice regulation. 耳鼻 13: 補1, 44-66, 1967.
  46. 尾崎 将 : 発声時呼気量に関する実験的研究. 日耳鼻 54: 497-507, 1950.
  47. Perkins, W.H. and Koike, Y.: Patterns of subglottal pressure variations during phonation. A Preliminary report. Folia phoniat. 21: 1-8, 1969.
  48. Ptacek, P.H. and Sander, E.K.: Maximum duration of phonation. J. Speech Hearing Dis. 28: 171-182, 1963.
  49. Ptacek, P.H. and Sander, E.K.: Breathiness and phonation length. J. Speech Hearing Dis. 28: 267-272, 1963.
  50. Rubin, H.J.: Experimental studies on vocal pitch and intensity in phonation. Laryngoscope 73: 973-1015, 1963.
  51. 沢島政行 : 発声障害に対する臨床検査の検討, 発声持続時間の測定. 音声言語医学 7: 23-28, 1966.
  52. Schilder, D.P., Hyatt, R.E. and Fry, D.L.: An improved balloon system for measuring intraesophageal pressure. J. Appl. Physiol. 14: 1057-1058, 1959.
  53. Sharf, D.J.: Vowel duration in whispered and in normal speech. Lang. Speech 7: 89-97, 1964.
  54. Smith, S.: Le jet d'air relatif aux mouvements des cordes vocales des deux modeles. J. F.O.R. 8: 113-118, 1959.
  55. Smith, S.: The electroaerometer. Speech Path. Ther. 28-29, 1960.
  56. Strenger, F.: Methods for direct and indirect measurement of the subglottic air pressure in phonation. Studia Linguistica 14: 98-112, 1960.
  57. 杉山吉彦, 今岡 薫 : Oscillation 法による呼吸抵抗の測定. 呼吸と循環 17: 1041-1046. 1969.
  58. 杉山吾彦 : 新しい呼吸抵抗計. 呼吸と循環 20: 499-503, 1972.
  59. 銃木篤郎 : 発声時呼気量の研究, 東北医学雑誌 34: 93-104, 1944.
  60. Utenick, M.R.: Design of a hot-wire anemometer. ISA Transactions 10: 21-28, 1971.
  61. 海野徳二 : Body plethysmograph による咳嗽時圧縮の観察, 気食会報 25:1-6, 1974.
  62. van den Berg, J.: Direct and indirect determination of the mean subglottic pressure. Folia phoniat. 8: 1-24, 1956.
  63. 渡辺陽子, 平野 実, 松下英明, 川崎 洋, 重森優子 : 学童における発声時呼気使用について, 音声言語医学 16: 1-5, 1975.
  64. Worth, J.H., Runyon, J.C. and Subtelny, J.D.: Integrating flowmeter for measuring unimpaired orat and nasal airflow. IEEE Transactions on Bio-Medical Engineering 15: 196-200, 1968.
  65. Yanagihara, N., Koike, Y. and von Leden, H.: Phonation and respiration: Functional study in normal subjects. Folia phoniat. 18: 323-340, 1966.
  66. Yanagihara, N. and Koike, Y.: The regulation of sustaincd phonation. Folia phoniat. 19:1-18, 1967.
  67. Yanagihara, N. and von Leden, H.: Respiration and phonation: The functional examination of laryngeal disease. Folia phoniat. 19: 153-166, 1967.
  68. Yoshiya, I., Nakajima, T., Nagai, I. and Jitsukawa, S.: A bidirectional respiratory flowmeter using the hot-wire principle. J. Appl. Physiol. 38: 360-365, 1975.

G. 声帯振動に関するもの, ストロボスコピー, 超高速度映画に関するもの

  1. Beck, J. und Schonharl, E.: Die Bedeutung der Strobosckopie fur die Diagnose der funktionellen Stimmstorungen. Arch. Ohr.-Nas.-Kehlk.-Heilk. 175: 449, 1959.
  2. Berendes, J. und Luchsinger, R.: Stimmlippenschwingungen nach Arypexie. Arch. Ohr.-Nas.-Kehlk.-Heilk. 171: 224, 1958.
  3. Berendes, J.: Die Schwingungsform der Stimmlippen beim Anblasen des Kehlkopfes ohne Innervation. Arch. Ohr.-Nas.-Kehlk.-Heilk. 173: 283, 1958.
  4. Bjuggren, G.: Device for laryngeal phase-determinable flash photography. Folia phoniat. 12: 36-41, 1960.
  5. Coleman, F.R.: On the validity of laryngeal photosensor monitoring: J. Acoust. Soc. Amer. 44: 1733-1735, 1968.
  6. Dunker, E. und Schlosshauer, B.: Hochfrequenzkinematographische Untersuchungen des Verhaltes der Stimmlippen bei Unterbrechung der Anblaseluft. Arch. Ohr.-Nas.-Kehlk.-Heilk. 171: 225, 1957.
  7. Dunker, E. und Schlosshauer, B.: Klinische und experirmentelle Studien uber Stimmlippenschwingungen. Arch. Ohr.-Nas.-Kehlk.-Heilk. 172: 363, 1958.
  8. Dunker, E. und Schlosshauer, B.: Uber Auspannung und Schwingungsform der Stimmlippen. Arch. Ohr.-Nas.-Kehlk.-Heilk. 173: 497, 1958.
  9. Dunker, E. und Schlosshauer, B.: Zur Frage der Tonentstehung im Kehlkopf: Pflugers Arch. 264: 561-572, 1957.
  10. Dunker, E. und Schlosshauer, B.: Sind an den Stimmlippenschwingungen tonsynchrone Muskelkontraktionen beteiligt? Pflugers Arch. 266: 1, 1957.
  11. Dunker, E. und Schlosshauer, B.: Uber "normale" Stimmlippen-Schwingungen. Pflugers Arch. 278: 88, 1963.
  12. Ernst, R.: Stroboskopische Erfassung funktioneller Stimmstorungen mittels Belastung durch Singen und Sprechen. Arch. Ohr.-Nas.-Kehlk.-Heilk. 175: 452, 1959.
  13. 平野 実 他 : 反回神経麻痺における声帯振動-ストロボスコピーによる研究-. 耳鼻臨床 65:1037, 1972.
  14. 平野 実 : 反回神経麻痺における声帯の振動モード-超高速度映画による解析-. 日耳鼻 76: 721, 1973.
  15. 平野 実 他 : ポリープを有する声器の振動モード-超高速度映画による研究-. 日耳鼻 77: 593, 1974.
  16. 平野 実 他 : 声帯振動の超高速度映画分析におけるコンピューターの利用. 耳鼻臨床 68: 1289, 1975.
  17. Hirano, M.: Structure and vibratory behavior of the vocal folds: U.S.-Japan joint seminar on dynamic aspects of speech production. December, 7-10, 1976.
  18. 広戸幾一郎 他 : "声帯振動の高速度映画" 撮影について. 耳鼻臨床 59: 88, 1966.
  19. Holmer, N.G., Kitzing, P. and Lindstrom: Echo glottography. Ultrasonic recording of vocal fold vibrations in preparations of human larynges. Acta Otolaryng. 75: 454-463, 1973.
  20. Isshiki, N. and von Leden, H.: Laryngeal movements during cough. Studia Phonologica Kyoto, 3: 1, 1963.
  21. Jeschek, J.: Das Schwingungsverhalten der Stimmbander bei Lahmung in paramedian und lntermediarstellung. Zbl. Hals-Nas.-u. Ohrenheilk. 64: 239, 1959.
  22. Jeschek, J.: Uber die Eigendampfung der Stimmbander beim Schwingungsvorggang. Acta oto-laryng. 53: 249, 1961.
  23. 垣田有紀 他 : 声帯の層構造を考慮した振動状態の模式的表示-正常声帯の場合-. 日耳鼻 79:1333, 1976.
  24. 川崎 洋 : 病的声帯における振動異常-超高速度映画による研究-. 耳鼻 22: 107, 1976.
  25. Kitzing, P. and Sonesson, B.: A photoglottographical study of the female vocal folds during phonation. Folia phoniat. 26: 138-149, 1974.
  26. Luchsinger, R. und Dubois, C.: Phonetische und stroboskopische Untersuchungen an einem Stimmphanomen. Folia phoniat. 8: 201, 1956.
  27. Luchsinger, A. und Nielsen, E.: Uber den Ausbau einer neuartigen Kurzfilmapparatur fur die Laryngo-Stroboskopie. Folia phoniat. 13: 93, 1961.
  28. Moore, P. and von Leden, H.: Dynamic variations of the vibratory pattern in the normal larynx. Folia phoniat. 10: 205, 1958.
  29. 中島豊槌 : わが国における喉頭ストロボスコープについて. 医科器械雑誌 36: 1965.
  30. 斎藤成司 他 : 喉頭の Stroboscopic microsurgery. 日耳鼻 16: 69-76, 1973.
  31. Tanabe, M., Kitajima, K., Gould, J.W. and Lambiase, A.: Analysis of highspeed motion pictures of the vocal folds. Folia phoniat. 21: 77-87, 1975.
  32. Tanabe, M., Isshiki, N. and Kitajima, K.: Vibratory pattern of the vocal cord in unilateral paralysis of the cricothyroid muscle: Acta Otolaryng. 14: 339-345, 1972.
  33. Timcke, R. et al.: Laryngeal vibrations: Measurements of the glottic wave. Part II: Physiologic vibrations. Arch. Otolaryng. 69: 438, 1959.
  34. Van Michel, C. et al.: Electroglottographie et cinematographie laryngee ultra-rapide. Folia phoniat. 22: 81-91, 1970.
  35. von Leden, H.: The electric synchron-stroboscope. Its value for the practicing laryngologist. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 70: 881, 1961.
  36. Wendahl, R.W., et al.: Comments on vocal fry. Folia phoniat. 15: 251-255, 1963.


  1. 浅野 尚 : 喉頭に対する超高波パルス法の応用.日耳鼻 71: 895, 1968.
  2. Hertz, C. H., Lindstrom, K. and Sonesson, B.: Ultrasonic recording of the vibrating vocal folds: Acta Otolaryng. 69: 223-230, 1970.
  3. 平野 実 : 声帯運動の基本的パターン. 日耳鼻 77: 108-111, 1974.
  4. 金子敏郎 他 : 発声時の両側声帯面積比の経時的変化について. 日本超音波医学会講演論文集 1970.
  5. 北村 武 他 : 耳鼻咽喉科領域における超音波珍断法. 診療 23: 541, 1970.
  6. 三滴徹蔵 : 声帯の振動様式について-ultrasonoglottography による研究-日耳鼻 72: 985, 1969.
  7. Roster, J.P. und Smith, S.: Zur Interpretation elektrischer und photoelektrischer glottogramme. Folia phoniat. 22.: 92-99, 1970.
  8. Pawlowski, Z.: Objective diagnostics in the vibration of vocal cords. Arch. Otolaryng. 82: 195, 1965.

H. 側視型喉頭鏡検査

  1. Gould, W.J.: The Gould Laryngoscope: J. Am. Acad. Ophth. Otol. 77: 139-141, 1973.
  2. 本多清志 他 : 側視型スコープによる喉頭像の観察と記録; 気食会報 28: 18-19, 1977.
  3. Klein, H.C.: Routine telescopic laryngoscopy: Amer. Family. Physician. 11: 86-89, 1975.

I. 喉頭のレ線検査 (反回碑軽麻痺を中心に)

  1. Allen, E.L. and Hollien, H.: A Laminagraphic study of pulse (vocal fry) register phonation Folia phoniat. 25: 241-250, 1973.
  2. Ardran, G.M. and Kemp, F.H.: The mechanism of the larynx II the epiglottis and closure of the larynx: Br.F. Radiol 40: 372-389, 1967.
  3. Beretta, L. and Guglielmo, L.di: Das laryngographische Bild der unilateralen Recurrensparalyse. Otorinolaring. ital. 31 : 196-211, 1962.
  4. Bohme, V.G. und Schmutzler, W.: Stimmlippenlahmungen und Larynxtomographie. Laryngol. Rhinol. Otol. 45: 6-21, 1966.
  5. 武馬成人, 広戸幾一郎, 小宮山荘太郎, 笠 誠一, 渡辺 宏 : Laryngogram 重ね合わせ法による喉頭機能診断. 気食会報 24: 109-116, 1968.
  6. Calderon, R., Ceballos, J. and McGraw, J.P.: Tomographic aspect of paralysis of the vocal cords. Radiology 63: 407-410, 1954.
  7. Hector, T.G.: The radiologic signs of recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis. J. Can. Assoc. Radiol. 23: 125-132, 1972.
  8. 平野 実, 太田黒廷寿, 吉田義一, 合屋日出彦, 松下英明 : 高圧レ線映画による病的声帯運動の分析的研究. 耳鼻臨床 62: 1209, 1969.
  9. Isshiki, N. and lshikawa, T.: Diagnostic value of tomography in unilateral vocal cords paralysis. Laryngoscope. 86: 1573-1578, 1976.
  10. Kitzing, P. and Sonesson, B.: Shape and shift of the laryngeal ventricle during phonation. Acta otolaryng. 63: 479-488, 1967.
  11. Landman, G.H.M.: A roentgencinematographic study of recurrent paralysis. Pract. Otorhinolaryngol. 28: 294-298, 1966.
  12. 丘村熙, 一色信彦 : 喉頭造影透視の診断的意義. 声帯位の客観化. 耳鼻臨床 60: 110-117, 1967.
  13. 太田黒延寿 : 喉頭造影法による病的喉頭の形態学的ならぴに音声生理学的研究. 耳鼻 11: 補2: 127-47, 1965.
  14. Pozmogov, A.I.: Larynx paralysis in tomographic images. Vestn. Rentgenol. Radiol. (Moskva.) 31: 74-75, 1962.
  15. Schreiber, M.H.: Radiologic examination of the larynx. Am. J. Med. Sci. 248: 601-617,1964.
  16. 斎藤 等, 佐々木均, 星谷 徹, 平井孝次 : X線テレビジョンを中心とした喉頭造影法の検討 : 耳鼻臨床 60: 119-124, 1967.
  17. 清水一正 : 高圧X線映画による語音発声時の声帯運動に関する研究. 耳鼻臨床 53: 446, 1960.
  18. Unger, S.M., Roswit, B. and Stein, J.: Vocal cord paralysis: A roentgen diagnostic study-Radiology 75: 741-747, 1960.
  19. von Leden, H. and Moore, P.: Vibratory pattern of the vocal cords in unilateral laryngeal paralysis. Acta Otolaryng. 53: 493-506, 1961.
  20. von Hoppe, G. und Frommhold, W.: Tomographische Studien zur Funktion des menschlichen Kehlkopfes: Folia phoniat. 17: 161-171, 1965.
  21. Yannoulis, G.E.: Dernonstration von 8 Rontgenschichtbildern. Arch. Klin. Exp. ohr-Nas-Kehlk-Heilk. 169: 483-485, 1956.

[8] 声帯正中移動術 (声帯内注入を除く)

  1. Bernstein, L. and Holt, G.P.: Correction of vocal cord abduction in unilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis by transposition or the sternohyoid muscle. Laryngoscope 77: 876-885, 1967.
  2. Isshiki, N. Morita, H., Okamura, H. and Hiramoto, M.: Thyroplasty as a new phonosurgical technique: Acta Otolaryng 18: 451-457, 1974.
  3. Isshiki, N. et al.: Experimental and clinical study of thyroplasty as a new type of phonosurgery: XVIth Int. Congr. Logopedics and Phoniatrics, Interlaken: 213-216, 1974.
  4. Isshiki, N., Okamura, H. and Ishikawa, T.: Thyroplasty type I. (lateral comprcsssion for dysphonia due to vocal cord paralysis or atrophy): Acta Otolaryng. 80: 465-473, 1975.
  5. Kamer, F.M. and Son, M.L.: Correction of the traumatically abducted vocal cord. Arch. Otolaryng. 95: 6-9, 1972.
  6. Labayle, J.: Traitement chirurgical de la paralyse recurrentielle unilaterale: Proc. 8 Internat. Congr. ORL Tokyo, 1966.
  7. Lovino, G.: Metodo opcratorio nella paralisi monolaterale del nervo ricorrente: Arch. Ital. ORL, 75: 173-183, 1964.
  8. Meurman, Y.: Operative mediofixation of the vocal cord in complete unilateral paralysis. Arch. Otolaryng. 55: 544-553, 1952.
  9. Montgomery, W.W.: Cricoarytenoid Arthrodesis. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 75: 380-391, 1966.
  10. Morrison, L.F.: The """Reverse King operation""" Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 57: 945-956, 1948.
  11. Mueller, P.B.: Paralytic Dysphonia. Folia phoniat. 25: 104-109, 1973.
  12. Mundnich, K.: Eine einfache und verlaBliche Methode zur Spannung und Verlagerung des Stimmbandes medianwarts bei Dys-und Aphonie mit phonatorische Dyspnoe. Arch. klin. exp. Ohr.-,Nas.-u. Kehlk. Heilk. 196, 324, 1970.
  13. 新実成二, 武本欣也, 設楽哲也 : 声帯ヒダ形成症に対する一手術法. 日耳鼻 76:増刊号 43, 1973.
  14. Opheim, O.: Unilateral paralysis of the vocal cord. Operative treatment. Acta Otolaryng. 145: 226-230, 1955.
  15. Payr: Plastik am Schildknorpel zum Behebung der Folgen einseitiger Stimmbandlahmung. Deutch. Med. Wsch. 43: 1265-1270, 1915.
  16. Sawashima, M., Totsuka, G., Kobayashi, T. and Hirose, H.: Surgery for hoarseness due to unilateral vocal cord paralysis. Arch. Otolaryng. 87: 289-294, 1968.

[9] 声門開大手術

  1. Arnold, G.E.: Vocal rehabilitation of paralytic dysphonia. Arch. Otolaryng. 70: 444-453, 1959.
  2. Aubry, M. and Wayoff, M.: Operation de Rethi avec interposition metallique dans un cas de paralysie des dilalateurs de la glotte. J. Franc. ORL 13: 665-669, 1964.
  3. Calvet, J., Lacomme, Y., Kambic, V.: Arytenopexie pour paralysie bilaterale des cordes vocales en adduction: J. Franc. ORL 14: 867-870. 1965.
  4. Clerf, L.H.: Bilateral abductor paralysis of the larynx. Results of treatment by modified King operation: Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 64: 38-46, 1935.
  5. Dayer, P.A.: A case of Gerhardt's syndrome treated by bilateral cordopexy and its effects on respiratory function: Pract. ORL 22: 144-148, 1960.
  6. Del Cafnizo, C.: A propos of three cases of Gerhard's syndrome operated by Woodman's technique. Etiology and pathologenesis: Acta ORL Espan. 6: 6-11, 1964.
  7. Downey, W. L. et al.: Laryngofissure approach for bilateral abductor paralysis. Arch Otolaryng. 88: 513-517, 1968.
  8. Fabrics, A.: Hangrestagito Mutitekkel szerzett tapasztalatok (Experiences with operations enlarging the glottis): Fulorr-gegegyogy 10: 114-118, 1964.
  9. Farmer, C.J. and Morrison, A.W.: The effect of surgically induced recurrent laryngeal nerve palsies on the larynx of the dog and subsequent modification by superior laryngeal nerve section: Acta Oto-laryng. 68: 156-168, 1969.
  10. Grimaud, R., Wayoff, M. and Denert, M.: Rethi's operation and its variants in the treatment of the dilations of the glottis: J. Franc. ORL 13: 671-677, 1964.
  11. 岩本彦之丞 : 両側後筋麻痺の手術的療法. 耳喉 31: 767-772, 1959.
  12. Kelly, J.D.: Some problems in the surgical treatment of bilateral abductor paralysis of the larynx: Ann. Otol. Lhinol. Laryngol. 53: 461-468, 1944.
  13. Kelly, J.D.: Surgery of the larynx in bilateral abductor paralysis: J.A.M.A. 134: 944-947, 1947.
  14. King, B.T.: A new and function-restoring operation for bilateral abductor cord paralysis: J.A.M.A. 112: 814-823, 1939.
  15. 切替一郎, 沢木修二 : 声門開大手術を行った両側後筋麻痺の2症例とその音声機能.日耳鼻 59: 1673-1683, 1956.
  16. Kirikae, I. and Kobayashi, T.: Surgical treatment of midline fixation of the bilateral vocal cords and its functional results. Auris, Nasus, Larynx, 1, 117-128, 1974.
  17. Langnickel, R.: An endolaryngeal method of verticolateral transposition of the vocal cord for bilateral abductor paralysis: Laryngoscope 86: 1020-1028, 1976.
  18. Lepage, G: Resultats du traitcment chirurgical des paralysies laryngees en fermeture: Acta ORL Belg. 18: 634-650, 1964.
  19. Leroux-R. J.: Remarques a propos du traitement de quelques cas de paralysie bilaterale de la abduction des cordes vocales: Acta ORL Belg. 23: 555-563, 1963.20) Martens, M.: Zur Behandlung von Folgezustanden doppelseitiger Recurrensschadigung: Arch. Klin. Chirurgie 96: 76-82, 1911.
  20. Newman, M.H. and Work, W.P.: Arytenoidectomy revisited: Laryngoscope 86: 840-849, 1976.
  21. O'Brien, M.A.: Some observation on the surgery of bilateral abiductor laryngeal paralysis: J. Laryng. Otol. 17: 952-957, 1963.
  22. Podvinec, S. and Djordjevic, S.: Contribution to the surgical treatment of traumatic paralysis of the larynx. (Bulgarian text) Srpski Arkh. Tselock. Lek. 93: 465-470, 1965.
  23. Podvinec, S. et Djordjevic, S.: Arytenoidectomie et cricotomie dans le traitement de la paralysie laryngee stenosante: J.F.O.R.L. 15: 11-16, 1966.
  24. Rethi, A.: Die Therapie der durch Posticusparese bedingten Keblkopfstenose mit Beschreibung von zwei neuen Fallen: Z. Hals. Heilk 17: 355-361, 1927.
  25. Rethi, A.: The operadon for relief of bilateral vorcal cord paralysis:J. Laryng. Otol. 64: 632-639, 1950.
  26. Scheer, A.A.: Laryngofissure approach in surgical treatment of bilateral abductor paralysis: Arch. Otolaryng. 57. 173-181, 1953.
  27. 設楽哲也 他 : 声門前方開大術二症例. 日耳鼻 74: 408, 1971.
  28. Thornell, W.C.: A new intralaryngeal approach in arytenoidectomy in bilateral abductor paralysis of the vocal cord. Report of three cases. Arch. Otolaryng. 50: 634-639, 1949.
  29. von Leden, H.: Intralaryngeal correction of bilateral abductor paralysis: A modification of the Thornell operation: Laryngoscopc 60: 1190-1200, 1950.
  30. Woodman, D.: A modification of the extralaryngeal approach to arytenoidectomy for bilateral abductor paralysis: Arch. Otolaryngol. 43: 63-65, 1946.
  31. Woodman, D. and Pennington, C.L.: Bilateral abductor paralysis. 30 years experience with arytenoidectomy: Ann. Otol. 85: 437-439, 1976.
  32. 山下憲冶, 山崎万里子 : 両側後筋麻痺 特にその手術的療法について. 耳鼻臨床 54: 34-39, 1961.

[10] 声帯再運動化

  1. Colledge, L.: On the possibility of restoring movement to a paralysed vocal cord by nerve anastomosis. Brit. Med. J, 1: 547-548, 1925.
  2. Colledge, L. and Ballance, L.: The surgical treatment of paralysis of the vocal cord and of paralysis of diaphragm. Brit. Med. J. 1: 553-559, 1927.
  3. Evoy, M.H.: Observations with certain experiments on the paralyzed vocal cords in dogs. Laryngoscope 70: 1268-1271, 1960.
  4. Evoy, M.H.: Experimental activation of paralyzed vocal cords. Arch. Otolaryng. 87: 155-161, 1968.
  5. Fex, S.: Functioning remobilization of vocal cords in cat with permanent laryngeal nerve paresis. Acta Otolaryng. 69: 294-301, 1970.
  6. Frazier, C.H.: The treatment of paralysis of the recurrent laryngeal nerve by nerve anastomosis. Ann. Surg. 79: 161-171, 1924.
  7. 松井隆史 : 麻痺声帯に対する有茎神経筋弁移植による声帯運動回復に関する研究. 耳鼻臨床 69: 1007-1047, 1976.
  8. 竹之内智 他 : 喉頭基礎研究の臨床的応用. 京耳報 6: 11-16, 1974.

[11] 反回神経麻痺に対する神経縫合

  1. Ballance, C.: Results obtained in some experiments in which the facial and recurrent laryngeal. nerves were anastomosed with other nerves: British. Med. J. 2: 349-353, 1924.
  2. Boles, R. and Fritzell, B.: injury and repair of the recurrent laryngeal nerves in dogs. Laryngoscope 79: 1405-1418, 1969.
  3. Dedo, H.H.: Electromyographic and visual evaluation of recurrent laryngeal nerve anastomosis in dogs. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 80: 664-667, 1971.
  4. Doyle P.J., Brummet R.F., Everts E.C.: Results of surgical section and repairof the recurrent laryngeal nerve. Laryngoscope 77: 1245-1254, 1967.
  5. Gordon J.H., McCabe B.F.: The effect of accurate neurorrhaphy on reinnervation and return of laryngeal function. Laryngoscope 78: 236-250, 1968.
  6. Lyons, R.M. and Tacker, H.M.: Delayed restoration of abduction in the paralyzed canine larynx. Arch. Otolaryng. 100: 176-179, 1974.
  7. Miehlke, A., Kusel, H.J., Ri, H.D. und Schmidt, G.: Elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen nach Reinnervation dcs Kehlkopfes durch Vagus-Recurrens-Plastik: Arch. klin. Ohren, Nasen und Kehlkopf. 188: 668-680, 1967.
  8. Miehlke, A.: Rehabilitation of vocal cord paralysis: Arch. Otolaryng. 100: 431-441, 1974.
  9. Miglets, A.W.: Functional laryngeal abduction following reimplantation of the recurrent laryngeal nerves. Laryngoscope 84: 1996-2005, 1974.
  10. Murakami, Y. et al: Vocal cord abduction by regenerated recurrent laryngeal nerve. An experimental study in the dog. Arch. Otolaryng. 94: 64-68, 1971.
  11. Murtagh, J.A. and Campbell, C.J.: The respiratory function of the larynx. III-the relation of fiber size to function in the recurrent laryngeal nerve: Laryngoscope 61: 581-590, 1951.
  12. Soutter, L., Frank, K., Campbell, J.B. and Lloyd, J.B.: Diaphagmatic function following anastomosis of recurrent laryngeal and phrenic nerves. Exp. Neurol. 2: 251-260, 1960.
  13. Sunderland, S. and Swaney, W.E.: The intraneural topography of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in man. Anal. Rec. 114: 411-426, 1952.
  14. 島崎 進 : 喉頭神経麻痺の外科的治療に関する実験的研究. 耳鼻臨床 50: 551-581, 1957.
  15. Taggart J.P.: Laryngeal reinnervation by phrenic nerve implantation in dogs. Laryngoscope 81: 1330-1336, 1971.

[12] 喉頭截開術など

  1. Alonso, J.E. et a1.: Treatment of membranes and synechiae of the anterior part of the glottis. Arch. Otolaryng. 65: 111-115, 1957.
  2. Calcaterra, T.C. McClure, R. and Ward, P.H.: Effect of laryngofissure on the developing canine larynx. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 83: 810-813, 1974.
  3. 林 義雄 : 余の保存的喉頭切開法 (Halblaryngofissure) とその応用. 耳喉 24: 11-13, 1952.
  4. Hardingham, M., et al.: The treatment of a congenital laryngeal web. J. Laryngol. Rhinol. Otol., 89: 273-279, 1975.
  5. Hiroto, I.: Partial thyrotomy: A new surgical technique for laryngeal lesions. Kurume Med. J. 16: 113-117, 1969.
  6. Holinger, L.D., et al.: Simultaneous glottic and supraglottic laryngcal webs. Arch. Otolaryng. 101: 496-497, 1975.
  7. 法水正文 : 金属隔離板使用による声門横隔膜症の成形手術法について. 手術 12: 290-294, 1958.
  8. 井田智子 : 喉頭横隔膜症の1治療例. 耳鼻臨 50: 615, 1956.
  9. 岩田逸夫 他 : 喉頭横隔膜症の文献的考察. 日耳鼻 74: 1074, 1971.
  10. 柏戸貞一 他 : 顕徽鏡使用による声門隔膜の手術. 音声言語医学 4: 29. 1963.
  11. Kato, T. et al.: A case report of acquired laryngeal web. The proceedings of the second Asiaoceania congress of otorhinolaryngology Taipei, 482-490, 1971.
  12. 加藤友康 : 後天性声帯横隔膜症の一治験例. 音声言語医学 12: 18, 1971.
  13. Kleinsasser. O.: Mikrolaryngoskopie und endolaryngeale Mikrochirurgie. F.C. Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart-New York, 115-117, 1968.
  14. 久保猪之吉 : 先天性喉頭 「デイアフラグマ」. 大日耳鼻 35: 384-385, 1929.
  15. McNaught, R.C.: Surgical correction of anterior web in the larynx. Laryngoscope 60: 264-272, 1950.
  16. Messerklinger, W.: Zur Behandlung der Kongenitalen Synechien in Glottisbereich. Mschr. Ohrenheilk. 98: 184-187, 1964.
  17. 南条昭一, 小林武夫, 土田みね子, 広瀬肇, 牛島達次郎 : 喉頭横隔膜症の治療. 耳喉 48: 651-655, 1976.
  18. 荻野己人 他 : 瘢痕牲喉頭横隔膜症の顕微鏡下形成手術の経験. 気食会報 18: 201, 1967.
  19. 岡部美代 : 喉頭横隔膜症の1例. 日耳鼻 61: 1133, 1958.
  20. 斎藤成司 他 : Endolaryngeal microsurgery による喉頭横隔膜症の治療法. 気食会報 24: 167-173. 1973.
  21. 柴田象太郎 他 : 喉頭横隔膜症の2例. 耳鼻臨床 59: 40-44, 1966.
  22. 上村卓也 他 : 喉頭横隔膜症について. 耳鼻 7: 615-519, 1961.

[13] その他の手術

  1. Hast, M.H.: Transposition of laryngeal muscles for cricothyroid paralysis: Arch Otolaryng. 90: 185-189, 1969.
  2. Ogura, J.H. and Powers, W.E.: Functional restitution of traumatic stenosis of the larynx and pharynx. Laryngoscope 74: 1081-1110, 1964.
  3. Priest, R.E. el al.: Laryngotracheal injury. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 76: 786-792, 1967.
  4. Pennington, C.L.: Glottic and supraglottic laryngeal injury and stenosis from external trauma. Laryngoscope 74: 317-345, 1964.
  5. Robb. J.M.: Laryngeal stenosis. Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 58: 566-576, 1949.
  6. Yarington, C.T. and Frager, J.P.: The surgical treatment of laryngocele. Surg. Gynec & Obstent 122: 308-312, 1966.

[14] 心因性失声症など

  1. Bangs, J.L. and Freidinger, A.: Diagnosis and treatment of a case of hysterical aphonia in a thirteen year old girl: J. Speech Hearing Dis. 14: 312-317, 1949.
  2. Damste, P.H.: Vocal disorders. A guide to their diagnosis. ORL 35: 149-153, 1973.
  3. Dedo, H.H.: Recurrent laryngeal nerve section for spastic dysphonia: Ann. Otol. Rhinol. Laryngol. 85: 451-459, 1976.
  4. 江口実美 他 : Dysphonia Spastica の1例 : 耳喉 35: 753-756, 1963.
  5. 江口実美 : 痙攣性発声障害症例とその本邦における報告例について. 耳喉 38: 297-301, 1966.
  6. Imre, V.: Funktionelle Storungen im Bereiche von Pharynx und Larynx: Arch. Ohr.-Nas.-Kehlk. Heilk. 175: 422-125, 1959.
  7. 菊地俊次 : 夢に起因せる心因性失声症の1例. 耳喉 37: 555-557, 1965.
  8. Kiml, P.J.: I.e classement des aphonies spastiques. Folia phoniat. 15: 269-277, 1963.
  9. 栗田吉栄 : 痙攣性発声障害の一例. 耳鼻 6: 130-131, 1960.
  10. McCaskey, C.H.: Aphonia: The sixty-seventh Annual Meeting of the American Laryngological Association, Chicago, Ill., May 29, 1946.
  11. Perello, P.J.: Le traitement de la voix de bandes ventricularlies. Folia phoniat. 6: 42-44, 1954.
  12. Sedlackova, P.E.: Exploration de l'equilibre vegetatif dans le begaiement et le bredouillement. Folia phoniat. 15: 68-77. 1963.
  13. Sokolowsky, R.R. and Junkermann, M.E.B.: War aphonia. J. Speech Hearing Dis. 9: 193-208, 1944.
  14. Sonninen, A. and Damste, P.H.: An international therminology in the field of logopedics and phoniatrics: Folia phoniat. 23: 1-32, 1971.
  15. 山下隆章 他 : ヒステリー性発声障害と内喉頭筋筋電図. 耳鼻臨床 56: 4-9, 1963.
  16. 山崎武次 他 : ヒステリー失声症の本態について-麻痺型本症の一治験例- 耳鼻 6: 52-57, 1960.
  17. Wendler, J., Seidner, W., Rose, A., Simon, B. und Ulbrich, H.: Zur praktischen Nomenklatur der funktionellen Dysphonien. Folia phonia. 25: 30-38, 1973.

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